Get EPPlus
EPPlus distributed via Microsoft´s public package manager Nuget. See the link below for instructions on how to download and get started.
Do I need a commercial license?
EPPlus, from version 5 and onwards, is distributed under the Polyform Noncommercial license. If you are using EPPlus in a commercial business, you need a commercial license to comply with the license model.
For more details regarding licensing, please see our License FAQ. You can also visit this page for pricing and information on our different license types. Additionally, we have created instruction videos on how to purchase your license online.
Getting a trial license
You can get a 32-day free trial license that will allow you to use EPPlus for evaluation purposes in a commercial business. You can get this trial license online if you register an account here on our website. See our instruction video for Purchasing licenses.
How to purchase
If you prefer not to purchase online, you can contact us for a quote. Please let us know the type of license you are interested in and the number of developers you need to cover.
You can also purchase your license through a reseller. We have sold licenses via more than a hundred resellers worldwide. If we haven't worked with your preferred reseller before, we will be happy to collaborate with them.